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Break-In Process

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November 26th Written by 

The break-in experience varies widely. Some owners report the speakers sound great out of the box and they did not hear significant differences over time. Others found harshness and restricted bottom end to be very distinct. 

Most owners find that the speakers become noticibly smoother after 3 or 4 days of moderate volume playing time. Most of the benefits of break-in are to be had in the first 3 weeks but reports vary. 

There are however, some clearly defined effects on break-in time. The longer the speakers are played and the louder they are played will determine their break-in status. Eventually, the changes slow down and cease to be audible. Loudspeakers are mechanical devices so not only will time and energy be factors but so will heat and humidity. If you are using a new amplifier, CD player or cables their performance will be changing as well. 

The fastest way to break-in the speakers is to leave them on at moderately high levels when the house is empty. This might not be recommended for owners with tube amps but for conventional solid state gear, there are not likely to be heat or instability issues which will harm the amps or the speakers 

You hear differently from day to day depending on atmospheric changes and the condition of your sinuses. As you become accustomed to the speakers and the system, you stop listening to them and listen through to the music. 

When the time comes that you only hear music when you turn the system on, the speakers are broken in, your electronics are broken in and your ears have determined that they really do like what they are hearing. 

Our new Coaxial Ribbon LineSource designs come in at higher price levels than we have occupied before but they offer significant improvements in both fidelity and practicality over most loudspeakers, regardless of price- conventional or planar - in most listening rooms. They are just as electronics friendly as our other speakers and thus, for $15,000 total system cost, it is possible to attain ultra system performance. Breakin will be the same for the LSRs as any of our loudspeakers but the midbass will be smoother from the start due to reduced room modes and therefore, breaking of the midbasses will be more difficult to detect. 

Read 9054 times Last modified on Wednesday, 25 December 2013 16:28
Published in Buying Guide