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Settings Overview

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November 26th Written by 


The Behringer is an extremely complex piece of gear when viewed for the first time. Learning how to move around in the menu system makes things much easier. Call us for a quick runthrough. Once you have gotten used to the Behringers controls, you will be able to dial in your system with a degree of flexibility and precision you will find amazing. You won't be going back to bass and treble controls. 

The Behringer DCX2496 has one Input which can either be digital into Input A or analog which is input into A and B (left and right). To change the type of input press the Input A button and then the setup button (right of knob) and then parameter down to the bottom where you have a choice of either analog or AES/EBU (digital). Reports are that digital sounds better - distinctly so in some cases. 

The Outputs are analog and we use 2 and 5 as the midbass outputs for left and right and 3 and 6 as the Ribbon outputs for left and right. 

There are 5 pages of menus for the inputs and 8 pages of menus for the outputs. You go to different pages by using the page arrow keys to the left of the round control knob. You go to different fields on the page by pushing the parameter buttons under the page buttons. You change the values of those fields by turning the round knob. 

We recommend you leave the dynamic EQ alone - we have no recommendations on it and dynamics are not in short supply with this system. You have to free the outputs so, for example, changing the high rolloff point of output 2 (left midbass) does not automatically change the low rolloff of output 3 (left Ribbon). The channels will still be linked however so pushing channel 2 (left midbass) will generate a solid green light on that channel and a flashing green light on channel 5 (right midbass). Changing a value on one channel will automatically change it on its linked channel.


You have to make sure the mutes are off. Red lights mean mutes are on so push the mute button and press the cancel button for the appropriate fields input and output. When the red lights are off, you are ready to roll. 

Input A (and B if you are running analog inputs) is reduced in gain by 10dB to keep the output levels compatible with a consumer product input, in this case the Panasonic XR45. You will have to experiment with this to get it right for your system. 

The recommended midbass crossover is a 12dB Butterworth (But 12) at 957Hz and the Ribbon is rolled in with a 6 dB Butterworth (but 6) at 2.11kHz. The rising output of the Ribbon at lower frequencies is the reason for this higher electrical crossover. The acoustic crossover is effectively around 1kHz. 

The midbasses have their gain reduced 3.5dB to match the sensitivity level of the Ribbon. 

Also, there are three filters used. The first boosts the bass output for a total of 5 dB starting at 53Hz. The second takes a bump out at 581Hz and the third takes a bump out at 1.07kHz. 

The phase for the Ribbon has been shifted 50 degrees. 

These filters and settings were determined by testing in our big 23x22 foot room, (35x22 with 10' ceilings when you add in our large openings) and your room will almost certainly differ greatly. You can experiment by turning these filters on and of one at a time or all at the same time. You can also dial in different frequencies and boost and cut levels and hear the results in real time. You can add filters to the point where you run out of processing power. You currently have 26% left which will allow quite a few extra filters to take care of most nasty nodes in your listening room.



The EQ filters are parametric which in practical terms means you can chose the exact frequency at which you want to centre the filter, the exact level you want to boost or cut and pretty much exactly control the bandwidth of the filter with the "Q" control. The other types of filters are simple high and low pass (like bass and treble controls). We'll talk to you about it. 

Experiment but always make good notes on the settings and call us for a live runthrough on the Behringer before you use the system!!!



- minus 10 dB, no EQ or delay on the inputs. 


Low pass -midbasses - (2 and 5)

-3.5 dB page one, input source A 

Page 2 

957Hz But 12 - Filters on right side - high end rolloff. 


Page 3 

- EQ 

Filter 1 53Hz, 5.5 dB, LP, 12dB

Filter 2 581Hz, - 5.1dB BP, Q 2.5

Filter 3 1.07kHz -2.3dB, BP, Q 6.3 

- Dynamic EQ etc off 

High Pass -Ribbons- (Outputs 3 and 6) 

Page 2 

But 6 at 2.11kHz - Filters on left side - low end rolloff. 

No EQ 

Page 7 

Phase normal

Phase 50 degrees. 




DVD 6 Channel 

Front speakers large No subwoofer No other enhancement filters or modes 

The trick with the Panasonic is to make the mains large and turn the subwoofer off. Only then will the XR45 feed full frequency into the main speakers. Otherwise there is a 100Hz rolloff and a beautiful bottom end is lost. 

Read 12039 times Last modified on Wednesday, 25 December 2013 16:23
Published in Buying Guide