Quick Fix Guide

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November 26th Written by 


By eliminating problems:

Symmetry - keep the reflections from each side of the room even. One hard wall and one soft wall will make it very difficult to achieving great soundstaging. 

Rear reflections - usually it is best to minimize them so either keep the seated listening head away from the rear wall or apply considerable acoustic damping to the wall. 

Space - get the speakers out into the room for depth of soundstage. 

Sub Placement - this is critical to the proper integration of the system. As with all of the above considerations, EXPERIMENT AGGRESSIVELY. 

Having problems? - Call us  or email  a sketch of your room see the Room Planner. Look over our Room Set-ups page to get an idea of the issues involved.

Read 8872 times Last modified on Wednesday, 25 December 2013 16:26
Published in Buying Guide